
What is MAPP?

MAPP stands for “Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships.” MAPP is a health improvement coalition that facilitates citizens who are committed to making their community a better place for everyone! To do that, MAPP provides information about emerging health issues and opportunities, convenes conversations to develop a shared vision for well-being, and serves as a catalyst for community members to take action on projects that support the shared vision. Then MAPP monitors and shares progress on our shared community measures so we’ll know when we’ve been successful.

Every participant in MAPP (whether one of 40 organizations, or an individual like you) is a local resident who wants to make a difference for the Southern Kenai Peninsula.

Read More: About Us

What are MAPP's goals?

The MAPP coalition is here to make our community a healthier place for everyone. We define health in very broad terms, however. For us, it includes the physical, cultural, economic, educational, environmental, mental, and spiritual health of the individuals in our community. The community has identified a number of overarching goals for becoming a ‘Proactive, Resilient and Innovative’ community and has also selected ‘Increasing Family Well-being’ as a priority goal for action over the next few years.

Read More: Goals

What are we doing to reach those goals?

The MAPP coalition is guided by a steering committee and specific action to reach priority community goals is undertaken by collective impact partners and workgroups. Presently, strategies are focused on increasing family resiliency and decreasing Adverse Childhood Experiences. In order to increase family resiliency, community partners are promoting Family Cohesion and Supportive Relationships, Role Models, Social Support and Networks, Physical and Mental Health, and Stability.

You can find out more about each of the workgroups on our Projects page. There you’ll find more in depth descriptions of what’s being done in the community and even how you can be a part of it!

Read More: Projects

How do we know if we're successful?

To understand if strategic actions are successful, the MAPP coalition tracks statistical data around the Southern Kenai Peninsula in addition to monitoring community shared measures. MAPP started by conducting the first collaborative, area-wide “Health Needs Assessment” in 2008. This ongoing report is produced with the help of many cooperating organizations and includes statistics about the overall health of our community and qualitative community input on priority needs and strengths. The first report was completed in January 2010 and we continue to collect and publish these data. This information is published to help bring awareness, both to the work the community is doing, and how much work we still have to do. In order to be really be successful, we’re going to need your help!

Read More: Well-Being Status

How can I help?

We’re glad you asked! Every participant in the MAPP coalition is an individual or an organization that shares a desire to make our community a better place. You can be a part of that! The first step to doing so is checking out existing Projects, which lists out the many workgroups and their goals for our community. Once you’ve chosen a workgroup that you want to be a part of, just contact them to get started. If there isn’t a workgroup that reflects your goals, contact the MAPP coordinator. Thank you for your support!

Read More: Contact Us

Latest News and Articles

Community Meeting for Agencies

Friday, March 21st from 9am-12noon
Addressing the Community Health Priorities of Housing, Childcare, and Food.

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Housing & Communication Workgroups are up and running!

The community has spoken! The two priority areas that will be address in our next Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) are: Housing and Communications. The MAPP Housing and Communication Workgroups Read More

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Community Meeting – Friday, October 27th

You spoke, we listened! The focus of our Community Health Improvement Plan will be “Housing Solutions” and a “Communication Plan” (information on existing resources).

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