
Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is composed of a dedicated team of community leaders that advocate for community health. The primary purpose of the Steering Committee is to provide leadership for ongoing Community Health Needs Assessments (CHNA) and Community Health Improvement Plans (CHIP). The Steering Committee is a vehicle to serve as the backbone organization for a collective impact initiative. It provides leadership and direction to the MAPP Coordinator. Check out theĀ MAPP Sustainability Plan for more details on internal operations.

Name Organization Email
Ryan Foster City of Homer rfoster@ci.homer.ak.us
Lorne Carroll Homer Public Health Center lorne.carroll@alaska.gov
Lisa Marie Talbott Homer United Methodist Church lisamarietalbott@gmail.com
Brian Partridge Kachemak Bay Campus (Kenai Peninsula College) bcpartridge@alaska.edu
Red Asselin Sprout Family Services red@sproutalaska.org
Monica Anderson SVT Health & Wellness manderson@svt.org
Jay Bechtol South Peninsula Behavioral Health Services jbechtol@spbhs.org
Ronnie Leach South Peninsula Haven House ronnie@havenhousealaska.org
Asia Freeman Bunnell Street Arts Center asia@bunnellarts.org
Derotha Ferraro South Peninsula Hospital dbf@sphosp.org
Kyra Wagner Sustainable Homer kyra@sustainablehomer.org
Claudia Haines Kachemak Bay Family Planning Clinic claudia@kbfpc.org
Hannah Gustafson MAPP Coordinator mappofskp@gmail.com