

To achieve our vision of a Proactive, Innovative, and Resilient community, everyone will have to do their part. Fortunately, over 40 organizations and many individuals have come together in the MAPP coalition to achieve success!

In order to tackle complex social issues, no single organization can work in isolation. Rather, research has shown that Collective Impact occurs when organizations from different sectors agree to solve a specific social problem using a common agenda, aligned efforts, and common measures of success.

The following groups are using a collective impact process to improve community health and increase family well-being:

          1. Southern Kenai Peninsula Resilience Coalition
          2. All Things Recovery

Would you like to join in? The first step in doing so is checking out the existing efforts and contacting the lead for the group you are most interested in supporting. Don’t see an existing effort that aligns with your specific interests ? Contact Hannah Gustafson at mappofskp@gmail.com.