Nine Overarching Community Goals
In 2010, facilitated community meetings were held to review results of the first Community Health Needs Assessment. During these meetings, community members established both a community vision and overarching goals. Click on any of the following goals to view related community measures.
Vision: A Proactive, Resilient, and Innovative Community
Overarching Goals:
- Affordable, sustainable, & accessible Transportation System
- Community-wide support for diverse, healthy behavior choices
- Collaborative, accessible, prevention & intervention-focused holistic health network
- Healthy & safe individuals & families
- Local, affordable, safe, sustainable, diverse food, energy & water systems
- Local, sustainable, & equitable economy
- Multi-use, intergenerational, accessible community opportunities & resources
- Premiere cultural, educational, artistic opportunities & systems
- Resilient, biodiverse, & functioning ecosystems