
Community Meeting – Friday, October 13th

Join MAPP for a Community Meeting
FRIDAY, October 13
9am-12pm or 5pm-7pm


Kachemak CampusKachemak Bay Campus
Pioneer 202Pioneer Hall, Room 202

Zoom Meeting ID: 876 4167 5733


The 2023 Community Health Needs Assessment is complete! Now is the time to come together, narrow down our top priorities, and co-create our path to a healthier community.

The top six priority areas that will be discussed are Mental Health, Housing, Substance Misuse, Childcare, Physical Health, and Food Insecurity.

Help us define what is already happening in the above areas, what barriers exist, and where our power as a community is in working together to create solutions!

For those unable to attend from 9am-12pm, there will be an after-hours input session hosted that same evening from 5-7pm. Organizers will be onsite to answer questions, community members can review the discussion from earlier in the day, share their input, and participate in the prioritization exercise.

Questions? Contact mappofskp@gmail.com or call 907-317-2050.


8:30 am  Doors Open (coffee and muffins)
9:00 am  Program Begins
9:00-9:30  am  Welcome and Introductions
9:30-9:45  am  MAPP 101 & CHNA Background
9:45-10:00 am  Introduce Six Priorities and Applicable Data
10:00-10:15 am  Group Brainstorm on all Six Priorities (Mental Health, Housing, Substance Misuse, Childcare, Physical Health, and Food Insecurity)

  • What current work is focused on the issue;
  • What resources are currently available to address the issue;
  • Who in the community would support work on the issue?

10:15-11:30 am  Two Breakout sessions – Group A (Housing, Childcare, Food) – Group B (Mental Health, Substance Use, Physical Health)

  • What potential barriers are there to addressing this issue? Consider community, policy/legal, technical, financial, etc.
  • What are your initial thoughts about goals or strategies that may be developed around this strategic issue?

11:30-11:45 am  Facilitators Report Out 

11:45-12:00 pm  Vote via Mentimeter, Closing and Next Steps

12:00-1:00 pm  Networking & Lunch (sandwiches, salad, & soup)

5:00-7:00pm Drop in at you convenience to:

  • Review the results from the morning
  • Contribute your input to the following questions:
    • What current work is focused on the issue;
    • What resources are currently available to address the issue;
    • Who in the community would support work on the issue?
    • What potential barriers are there to addressing this issue? Consider community, policy/legal, technical, financial, etc.
    • What are your initial thoughts about goals or strategies that may be developed around this strategic issue?
  • Participate in the prioritization process via Mentimeter